أخبار عاجلةملخصات الأبحاث العلمية

الفرق في الأليكسيثيميا بين المدمنين وغير المدمنين، بحث للدكتور مهند العيدان

للباحث مهند العيدان

The difference in Alexithymia between addicted and non-addicts

بحث تحت عنوان: الفرق في الأليكسيثيميا (Alexithymia) بين المدمنين وغير المدمنين

  • Mohannad Abdul Mohsen Mansour Al – Aidan
الكلمات المفتاحية: الألكسثيميا، الإدمان، تحديد المشاعر، وصف المشاعر، التفكير الموجه للخارج، الكويت.


This study aimed to determine the degree of incidence of alexithymia in addicts and non-addicts according to the cut-off score, and the differences between the two samples on the dimensions of the used scale by the sub and the total scores. It also aimed to determine the effects of age and the level of education on the incidence of alexithymia. A sample of 589 males in Kuwait, (264 addicts and 325 non-addicts), completed the 20-item Toronto Alexithymia Scale (TAS-20). The result showed significant higher score mean of incidence of alexithymia and probability of developing it in the sample of addicts. Moreover, it found significant differences in the sub-dimensions and the total score in favor of the addicts. The analysis of variance ANOVA did not reveal differences between age and educational level in the sample of addicts, While in the non-addicted sample there were significant differences in age. It was found that the level of alexithymia decreased with age, in the total score and Difficulty Identifying Feeling, Difficulty Describing Feelings subscale, And Externally-Oriented Thinking subscale, and that the higher the academic qualification decreased the level of alexithymia..

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